

Suitable for: Answering questions, clarifying situations, making choices.Live tarot session focused on one single subject. You may receive an overview of the situation, and ask multiple questions in relation to the subject.Example subject: "About my crush..."
Example question: "Should I reach out to them?"

Requires your focus.USD 15 / subject

Chinese Bazi

Suitable for: Self knowledge, environment planning, fun.There are 5 elements, 28 star signs, 60 pillar variations, and 561,600 Bazi combinations according to ancient Chinese astrology. This is in addition to the 12 zodiac animals system you usually hear about. You will know yours in detail, and some fengsui tips for your home, workspace, and wardrobe.Example topics:
- Your Bazi elemental composition
- What your Pillar and star sign say about you
- What kind of people will bring you good fortune
- Your lucky colours, items, and living location

Requires your Year, Month, Day & Time of birth, booked at least 48 hours in advance.USD 45 / 1-hour session


Suitable for: Self knowledge, perspectives.We will talk about your personality, strengths, weaknesses, patterns, karmic lessons, blockages... etc. Western Astrology and Eastern Ziweidoshu will both be cross-referenced for accuracy. You may also ask about specific topics.Example topics:
"Who am I?"
"What kind of career will I be good at?"
"What kind of partner would I most likely marry?"
"Why does _ keep happening to me?"
"How is my life like? (Health, Relationships, Family... etc.)"

Requires your Year, Month, Day, Time & City of birth, booked at least 48 hours in advance.USD 60 / 1-hour session

talk therapy

Suitable for: Sorting thoughts, releasing anxiety, perspectives.We will talk about you, and anything you may be facing in your life. You will be heard, accepted, and given empathic advice. Conversations will be conducted through text messages and remain fully confidential.You can also request any of the other divination activities during the session.Example: Venting about family problems, anxieties, etc.

USD 60 / 1-hour session
USD 250 / 5 sessions, 1 hour each

Rules & Booking

Terms of Service

1) Luminal Respite is a safe space. You are encouraged to express your questions and feelings freely, to make the most of your session.
2) We are also a peaceful space. Disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated. A warning will be given, and if the behaviour persists, your session may be terminated.
3) Your personal information, reading, and conversation during the session will remain confidential. The information you provide will only be used for the activities described in this site.
4) To make sure we can reach you, kindly make sure your platform of choice is open to messages from strangers.
5) Refunds and changes to booking are only available 48 hours prior to your session.
6) The diviner reserves the right to stop/postpone a session (most likely due to fatigue or lack of spiritual energy). If your session is unfinished, the diviner will offer another time slot.
7) This should be self-explanatory considering what we do - but refunds will not be available if the session outcome is not as you expect.
Upon submitting a form, you can proceed to our Ko-Fi, or contact us privately to complete your payment. Once both have been received, we will contact you to arrange a booking.




可使用中文或英文。可線上或實體。1700 / 小時
8000 / 5次,每次1小時


適合:快速緩和情緒問題。一小段諮商後,使用英國新巴赫花精,搭配 Edens Garden 純質精油,緩和讓您不適的精神狀態,帶給您更平和穩健的一天。範例狀況:

可使用中文或英文。需實體見面諮詢。1200 / 次



需要您的專注。可使用中文或英文。可線上或實體。350 / 主題



需要您的出生年/月/日/時間和出生地,並於48小時前預訂。可使用中文或英文。可線上或實體。1500 / 45分鐘

Rules & Booking


1) Luminal Respite 是安全的空間。我們鼓勵您自由地表達您的疑惑和感受,如此能夠充分利用您的會談時間。
2) Luminal Respite 也是和平的空間。我們禁止對諮詢師不尊重的行為,發生時諮詢師將會先給予警告,之後若是行為持續,會談將會提早終止,且無法退款。
3) 您在會談期間的個人資訊和談話,我們將會保密。您提供的個人資訊僅會使用於本網頁敘述之活動。但以上不包含在實體空間時,無意間被第三方聽到等情況。
4) 為了確保諮詢師能夠聯絡到您,請確保您的Line對陌生訊息是開放的。
5) 提交表單後,您可以使用 Line Pay 或銀行轉帳完成付款。收到表單和款項後,我們將與您聯繫,安排會談時間。
7) 退款和變更預訂只能在會談開始前48小時內進行。
8) 諮詢師有停止或將會談延期的權利 (一般為較缺乏能量的狀況,會影響療癒品質)。若您的會談尚未完結,諮詢師將會補給您其他會談時間。
9) 若是會談不符合您所預期,將無法退款。